Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Naughty knicker tycoon

News – The Age, Australia

The man who lured smalls out of the bottom drawer and into mainstream fashion is in Melbourne this week. Lara Zamiatin meets a legend of lingerie. Joe Corre and his wife and business partner, Serena Rees, opened a knicker shop called Agent Provocateur.

According to Corre, a decade ago the British lingerie landscape was a desert. "The average knicker drawer in the UK used to be very boring. It had maybe one little thing that was sexy, probably given to the woman on her hen night, and then it was basically white cotton underwear gone grey in the wash.

"Today, it's completely different. Every major high street retailer sells designer lingerie. Ten years ago that wasn't the case. That's what we changed. We're kind of responsible for taking lingerie and putting it on the fashion map."

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