Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Men in panties

UNderwear drawer - personal stories and thoughts.

In this forum today I found a post from a wife who knows her husband likes to wear womens panties. A reply underneath explains to the worried wife that there are many men who wear panties.

Have missed something, do men really like wearing girls panties, do they wear the frilly kind or the boy short style? Would he borrow his wife’s underwear from her drawer and parade around the house?

Any man I know who found their mate on a regular basis wore women’s panties would have the p*ss taken out of them so badly that they wouldn’t want to hear the word panties let alone wear them again. Hadn't his friends noticed a little bit of black lace hanging over his trousers at some point if it was a black lace day?

I like to think I am open minded, I have been with a man and for a giggle he did try on women’s underwear but it was at the right time and setting. If the next day he asked to borrow some panties he would have received a strange look, properly one of horror. For me a man wearing panties is a definite turn off and not a turn on no mater how happy it made him.

Although shopping for underwear would be interesting as you could buy two pairs of the same underwear in different sizes if he varied from your size. A scary thought so I shall stop now!