The Underwear Drawer - stories from a lingerieholic
A trip to Los Angeles is needed now as the new buzz word is “beaver cut” with larger knickers than g-strings back in fashion it appears pubic hair is also making a comeback. I should add styled pubic hair is making a comeback not the old fashion untrimmed bush!
On the west coast of the USA it seems for a trim down below you simple go in and pick a number. Make like finding a style of hair for your head like the Rachel years ago. Now you pick a number from images of different designs for your neither region.
No 2 on the style chart is Playboy which is a full waxing underneath with sides really clean but a pretty little V instead of the Brazilian strip. This design has been created for Pamela Anderson. No 5 is the straight forward Brazilian which is currently asked for less as the small strip of hair can emphasis your hips.
Number 7 the butterfly is proving very popular at the moment. Although there are seasonal elements to the job as Cindee Esser-Thorin owner of Pinks Cheeks in the USA points out, Christmas trees decorated with rhinestones and glitter are very popular in December.
Decoration down under is clearly the next big thing and in London Toni Jade will come to your house to put faux diamonds on your fingers and toes – and if you wish other parts..
The trend is from brutal wax jobs to keeping it bushy but trimmed. Look out for a beaver cutting shop near you.