• Bra straps which relentlessly fall down, even when they have been tighten to the shortest length.
• Knickers which aren’t small enough to be Brazilian knickers or thongs but aren’t wide enough to bridge both checks of your butt so will keep trying to go in-between. The problem being there is too much material to fit like a thong so the extra material sits outside and gives the impression of a “wedgie” not a great look at all.
• Plastic straps which get very hot in the summer and can stick to the skin making it sweat.
• Beautiful bra which leaves red marks from the underwire just under your arm. This is an evening bra which can be endured only for a few hours and preferable with a glass of wine to ease the pain.
• Underwire coming through between the boobs of a favourite bra.
• Elastic no longer stretching in knickers so only ready to break. The elastic can sprout out of loved to bites knickers like they are bleeding.
• Finger through knickers, placing a finger through the side material of the knickers and is very annoying. People do need to pull knickers up and down for toilet purposes so please make sure the knickers are strong enough in those areas.
• A set on underwear over time changing to different colours so the pieces no longer match perfectly. This can also happen to suits the jacket and trousers no longer match.
• Basque worn to pieces, the metal corset bones can now be seen through the delicate fabric. This garment is only fit for my dress dummy.
• Lavish Beau Bras, sexy for the bedroom but not for everyday wear. The ribbons always seem to poke out the bottom of a top or the knots show through skirts or trousers. A lessoned learned these shall be kept strictly for the boudoir.
• White thong dying in wash to a horrible grey as it has stowaway in the dark washing.
Off white on Canvas