I am not alone exploring underwear in art, the relationship we have to the garment closet to our skin. Keane is an artist who is undertaking a residency which to date has lasted amazing twelve years in Barga Italy. The aim is to capture a community, which is a massive undertaking as its about leisure, about who governs and who is governed, about property and its rights, citizenship and its responsibilities; in short, it is about the explicit, formal contract that binds individuals into a group, a society. A community in this sense is also and often more powerfully about the implicit contracts that bind us, the unspoken accords. It is about the Mutande of Barga. (Mutade translates to pants or knickers)
There are few artefacts of our material culture which say more about us, more about our bodies, stripped to their last shield against the naked truth of age and physical decline, more about our most intimate acts and fantasies.
Mutande in Barga are everywhere shouting secrets from clotheslines and drying racks strung in full sight on nearly every home, there is a tight contract that says, in effect, I can hang my secrets out before your windows, let them take the air and sun, because you know me and I trust you not to look.
The work of the artist Keane is beautiful, capturing a tight community with principles and respect.