Christmas Eve the long time off from work glistened like the bubals on a Christmas tree, all shiny and full of cheer. I had thought it seemed like a long time off, like the never-ending summer holidays when you are a child at school. Like all good things they seem to zoom by and this year was no exception. Great time for New Year and Christmas yet I still feel like I need more…
I mean more in the sense of more time off work, more time for me, more time to do all those little things that never get done when you work the nine till five job. Sitting here just finished my lunch and it feels like I have never been away and I have been hear forever. Don’t get me wrong I like my job, well most the time, but with everyone feeling the same today it’s hard to keep focused.
I wore my new sale top into work today with a nice black skirt and sensible grey underwear; again I think I was influenced with the idea of returning to school. Sigh when is the next bank holiday?