A nice relaxing day off from work sorting out the last minute Christmas presents as it looks extra cold outside today I opted for the big thermal socks although they just fit into my trainers as their thickness is adding an extra half inch to my feet so these really are heavy duty socks.
Off to the shops I go with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Just a few days to go and I have the festive song driving home for Christmas in my head la la la. First shop I found what I needed but at the check out I am barged into with a children’s pushchair. The startled mother looks at me blank when I shout ‘och!’ then at last she twigs she is actually pushing something in front of her. Sorry she shouts as she blindly walks away from me. I have a feeling this isn’t the first time she has done this today and my ankle is slightly hurting but I pay and skulk away.
Next shop and crash headfirst with a wheel chair, the carer was dazzled by the bright lights and forgot to navigate forward with space around the person and the wheel in mind. No mention of this incident from either of the offending party as they head forward still with no consideration of checking the pathway ahead is clear, hell no if in doubt it looks like people shall be rammed out of the isles! The Joy of Christmas shopping I mutter to myself.
Ok last but not least to the super market I go, now with the previous encounters I am no longer skipping but determined to get out alive. Shopping is in basket after a few difficult manoeuvres around other customers. At the checkout while loading my shopping on the very busy conveyer belt it happens. The shopping trolley apparently has a mind of its own and homes into my ankle. Pure delight as the shopping trolley is piled high of groceries and launches itself at me full pelt. The man actually looks at me in surprise as if I shouldn’t be there. Did he have a blank out for a moment as I can’t just disappear like the cape enables Frodo in Lord of the Rings! Sigh people really are crazy shoppers today.
I hobble home and decide next year all my shopping shall be done online, delivered nicely to my door. Thank god I wore the thick thermal socks this morning, I was thinking of warmth at the beginning of the day now I am thinking of shin pads to protect myself!