It is now Saturday night and I am still recovery from Friday night I thought I would update my blog with the missing knickers situation.
The perfect date was lined up with a dreamy guy who I had fancied for what seemed like ever and I was actually getting to the point he was never going to ask me out when he finally asked if I was free for dinner, of course I responded very coolly that yes I was free, although I really don’t think I sounded cool at all as when I think back I am not even sure he finished the sentence before I was accepting.
As I started to get ready for this date I raided my underwear drawer to find the treasured knickers to the red lacy bra which matches the new top I brought perfectly. The whole drawer was tipped out with still no sign of the lovely red lace. Next the washing basket and the over night bag, where are the missing knickers?
The only possibilities I have since come up with are my ex boyfriend has kept them as a souvenir, I washed then and next door cat has stolen them from the line or they have been thrown away by some big error of judgement. Puzzled is what I am or perhaps this fits with the sock thief that seems to live in my home.
Two socks can be placed in the wash but only one shall come out. If I buy three pairs of socks within two months I have three mismatching socks. The question is where do the other socks go? Could it be a different sort of tooth fairy and instead of taking teeth these creatures like socks, perhaps they use the socks to make castles too. In most cases if socks have been worn and not washed they might stand up without any trouble although they might be a little smelly this is a good argument for where socks go. Sod the song where have all the flowers gone there should be a song for ‘‘where do all my socks go? Over there in the sky to build castles way up high.”
Sorry that was a bad little bit of rhythm, but perhaps they needed some lovely red lace for the curtains in the castle and that is where my missing knickers are?