Top Six retailers where consumers have brought underwear from in the last 12 months, November 2005. (Base: 2,039 adults aged 15+)

Mintel highlights one of the biggest changes since its last report in 2004 as being the polarisation in the sector led by Primark and New Look. Their growth has meant that the competition for the traditional players (department stores, M&S, BHS etc) has moved from just being the out-of-town value retailers (supermarkets and Matalan) to on the high street - right on thier doorstep.

Source NOP/Mintel.
*Underwear retailing report will be published at the end of the month by Mintel and priced at £995. It can be order over the phone 020 8606 6000. If you can wait then a copy will also be available in major libraries soon.